Welcome to my blog!

I have been thinking of creating a blog for a while now, but with a 2 month old, (I repeat, a 2 month old ) a butt load of laundry and an apartment that stays messy, I haven't had the time... Until now.

My whole thought process of creating a blog was a lot easier than the physical process of creating it. It has been almost a year since I even touched a computer. All my web searching has been done on my smartphone for the past year. Nevertheless, here we are.



Now, I am by no means a creative writer.

English was never my favorite subject. I despised writing papers in high school and all the way through college. I always waited until the last minute to write them, yet I managed to get a decent grade. Besides, English is my second language, so you have to give me credit for this whole blog thing.

As far as this blog goes, I am going to wing it (just like I did my essays in school) hoping that my posts are decent enough to catch your attention. I do know that I will have various posts about my life (interesting right?), recipes I have tried that I think are DA BOMB DOT COM, fashion posts/ ideas (mostly from Pinterest because I am poor and can't afford all that expensive shit stuff), DIY tutorials (I don't mean to brag, but i'm pretty badass at creating stuff), and some inspirational/religious stuff here and there (I am Catholic BTW).


This was my first post, I don't think it TOTALLY sucked. (Maybe just a lil' bit). I hope you keep coming back to visit my blog, and who knows you might actually like it.

Keep it right. Keep it tight.

